Monday, March 29, 2010

We MUST Take Care of Our Hair!

We live in a day and age where we embrace the fake before the natural. Hair suppliers haven't blinked an eye in this "recession" because women are going to get their hair done by any means necessary. There's nothing wrong with hair extensions or makeup, but you shouldn't look like two totally different people without them! Just because these options are available to you doesn't mean that you should neglect the real you.

Furthermore, abusing these beauty enhancers can make you feel inadequate without them. YOU are gorgeous without all the extras, so take some time to embrace the natural.

I'm not saying that these things are bad for you, but everything in moderation. I've seen women with severe hair breakage from excessive hair glue and color jobs that don't care because they have planned to keep covering it up with weaves. We are so ready to give it all for the sake of beauty, but who's definition of beauty is the question. God gave you one body with a head of hair to call your own. I don't think that we should be so quick to run for the quick fixes.

The reality of it is that while we look at television and magazines, we don't know what's going on behind the scenes. Beyonce wears lace-front wigs, runway models have to undergo extensive hair conditioning treatments to recover from all the heat styles. We, TOO, need a break.

One thing I've seen is women that are scared to trim their hair for fear of it not growing back. Doing that, however, causes more breakage because the hair continues to split upwards and thin out. Get a trim! It's sooo necessary. A few tips for healthy hair growth:
  • Clip about 1-2 inches above the split. Six weeks is the average time for trims.
  • Stay away from excessive heat (air dry instead of blow dry, if possible). Say "no" to flat ironing everyday. I reccommend ceramic flat irons. I like the brand, RED. The 3/4 inch size, $30, can be used to curl too!
  • Don't abuse tight ponytails, especially not in the same positioning. Doing this causes breakage where the hair tie is. Let your hair down or move your ponytail to another spot.
  • Those hardening gels, brown and clear, are a NO! I used to slick my hair into these crunchy ponytails back in the day. It dried my hair out so much. I stopped and started taking care of my hair. It grew like 5 inches over the years...and then I wacked it off to start over! :-)
  • Semi-permanent color instead of permanent. Semi-permanent color (rinses) is a temporary treatment that gradually washes out. How well the color shows up in your hair, however, depends on your natural color. I have dusty brown hair and get red/orange/brown rinses that take really well. Because I've gotten them so much, my hair is actually stained that color...
  • Permanent color is best without a relaxer. Together, you are putting double the chemicals in your hair...the quickest way to lose your hair. Do permanent color with natural hair, but don't color too often. It's best to have permanent color jobs and relaxers professionally done. It's an investment, but your hair is worth it.
  • If your hair is longer, but thin, try a shorter cut! Shorter styles tend to make your hair look fuller. Let it grow out from a shorter cut to see if it maintains.
  • There is no compromise for a good conditioning. Let a good deep conditioner sit while you do homework or clean the house. I reccommend Cream of Nature or Mizani. Ask a beauty supply associate to help you find the right one for your hair type.

Embracing the natural not only saves you money, but it gives you a boost of confidence. Remember that YOU define beauty...:-)

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