Monday, March 22, 2010

Cheap Rags for ALL!!!

I had THE most amazing time at Unique Thrift store today. I got 15 items for $37!...HALF-PRICE MONDAY!!! I got everything from crazy, 80s prom dresses to blazers to formal dresses...amazing.

I enjoyed my experience because it gave me a chance to shop more than the selection of "trendy" merchandise that you find in full-price retailers. If you have a unique style and it fits your personality and physique, then it's always a "go." Every trend isn't for every person.

I'm excited to mix and match my new bargains. Honestly, I'm over buying full-price merchandise. Every retailer is getting more expensive; has anyone looked at Payless prices lately??? Trade shops and thrift stores allow you to experiment with your style without breaking your pockets. If you decide you hate something that you paid $2 for, you don't have to get a second job to make up for it...

...BUT WAIT! Remember, classic styles are always worth investing in because they are the anchors of your wardrobe.

Finally, we want to maximize our wardrobes! If there is a piece that you haven't worn in a while don't look over it any longer! Chances are it doesn't fit properly, you don't have anything to pair with it or you just don't know what to do with it. Identifying the missing elements of your wardrobe will help you to maximize the wear of all your pieces! There is nothing wrong with saying "bye-bye" to dead-weight possessions. You have to make room for the bigger and better!

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