Sunday, May 22, 2011

Peru Prez Polls: Latest result shows stagnation

Just a few minutes ago we had the first weekend poll result out of Peru for the June 5th second round election, from pollster Idice. Here's a chart:

Yup, it's exactly the same numbers as the Idice poll for this time last week, with valid votes calling 51.9% for Keiko Fujimori and 48.1% for Ollanta Humala. So as Idice is likely favouring Keiko slightly (it's a business, dude...don't be naïve) and it was sponsored for this one by a pro-Keiko newspaper (El Expreso, the type of daily that makes National Enquirer look like Pulitzer material), we just have to keep on calling this tight Presidential race exactly that. It's still too close to call, folks.

There will be more polls released today from more reliable companies. Those will make it as comment into this afternoon's IKN Weekly, issue 107, along with the usual chunk of ongoing advice for those exposed to Peru markets (last week's call was right on the button, FWIW). DYODD, dude.

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