Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Can We Talk Crotches?

I meant to say Couches.

But that wouldn't have been nearly as interesting.

My dilemma:

Our couch and love seat have seen better days.  They are worn, and dirty, and ugly.  It's time for a replacement.  My husband wants something comfortable and reclining.  I want traditional and pretty.  I'm trying to find something we both like at a price that won't kill us.

The reason they are so dirty?  Well, I'm sure I have no idea:

My husband wants one of these:

I don't.  I'm not into the over-stuffed puffy arm thing.  I do, however, love to sit on these when I go to other peoples homes because they are super comfy. 

I like this reclining couch:

It's much more traditional but my husband doesn't like the small arms.  (I have no idea when he decided he was allowed a say in the purchase of home decor and furnishings but in the case of the couch, he is undeterred by my pouting).  I'm having a problem with the $1600 price tag for this one. 

I could use some advice about fabric also.  We have a big naughty, dirty dog that will never learn to stay off the couch so don't even suggest it.  We have two cats.  (We actually have three but two sounds so much less crazy cat lady-ish).  Tell me about pet hair.  Tell me about what you use to remove it.  Tell me about the best fabric choices.  Tell me you're going to buy me a couch.   Tell me I'm beautiful and skinny.

Love Ya'll

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