Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Savvy Shopping Tips

In light of the holiday season, I thought that I'd share some savvy shopping tips:

 Do not spend beyond your means.

 Create a monthly budget and avoid impulse buys.

 Buy items before you run out of them.

 Know the sales cycles in your favorite stores.

 If you won’t use it, don’t buy it…even if the price is right…

 Know that larger stores usually have lower prices than smaller ones.

 Feeling emotional? If so, back away from the credit card.

 Buy at the end of the season.

 Stock up when prices are low.

 Do shop at thrift stores, consignment shops, and garage/yard sales.

 Shop everywhere, so you can find the best deals.

 Do your homework on prices. Competing stores may carry the same or similar merchandise.

 Make friends with the store clerk for first dibs on information about upcoming sales and shopping events.

 Sign up for e-mail updates from your favorite stores. They always try to lure you in with a discount or promotion.

 Know that you do pay more for fancy packaging.

 Don’t be afraid of the generic brand. Sometimes, there is not much difference.

 Know that Dollar Tree is that business! And yes, they do carry a diverse assortment of name brand goods.

 Apply for a credit card with a rewards program. Use it to earn points and build credit, but don’t abuse it. Make it your goal to pay the balance in full each month.

 Consider a retail job at your favorite shop if you need to build your wardrobe. Can we say “employee discount?”

 Don’t go grocery shopping when you’re hungry.

 Avoid shopping at convenience stores like Columbia’s favorite, 7-Eleven, for big purchases. They are indeed overpriced.

 Do not buy toiletries at grocery stores. They are overpriced as well. We like Wal-Mart.

 Use Google to search for coupons before you shop. There is usually one for everything.

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